These important disclosures are deemed to be incorporated by reference in its entirety into the FNX Development website at www.fnxdevelopment.com and any social media communication, advertisement, email or other communication or disclosure which contains an active hyperlink or URL to this page. The information contained herein neither constitutes an offer for nor a solicitation of interest in any specific securities offering.


  1. General Information

  2. Testing the Waters

  3. Influencer Endorsements & Testimonials Compensation Disclosures

  4. Regulation A Offerings & Offering Circulars

  5. Other Exempt Offerings

  6. Investment Advice

  7. Affordable Housing Real Estate Market Data & Metrics

  8. FNX Performance Metrics

  9. Risks of Investing

  10. Forward-Looking Statements

  11. Miscellaneous

1. General Information

FNX Development, LLC (together with its affiliated entities, collectively "FNX" or “we”) operates a website at www.fnxdevelopment.com (the "Site" or “FNX Platform” or “Platform”). The information contained on the Site is generally available to non-members (i.e. persons who have not established a user profile) and has been prepared by FNX without reference to any particular user’s investment requirements or financial situation. Potential investors are encouraged to consult with professional tax, legal, and financial advisors before making any investment into an FNX offering. All investments involve risk, including the risk of the loss of all of your invested capital. Please carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, and expenses related to an investment prior to deciding to invest. Diversification and asset allocation do not ensure profit or guarantee against loss. Investment decisions should be based on an individual’s own goals, time horizon, and tolerance for risk.

Investment overviews on the Site contain summaries of the purpose and the principal business terms of potential investment opportunities. Such summaries are intended for informational purposes only and do not purport to be complete, and each is qualified in its entirety by reference to the more detailed discussions contained in the respective Offering Circular filed with SEC or other offering materials relating to such investment opportunity.

By using the FNX website, you accept the fnxdevelopment.com Terms of Use (which require that disputes be resolved through binding arbitration) and Privacy Policy. Any person interested in investing in any FNX offering should review our disclosures and the most recent publicly filed offering statement relating to that offering or applicable private placement memorandum, a copy of which will be available on the Site and, in the case of Regulation D and/or Regulation CF offerings, on the SEC’s EDGAR website.

The Site is maintained by FNX in its sole and absolute discretion and FNX is solely responsible for the content on this website. No broker-dealer member of FINRA is or has been involved in the development or dissemination of this website. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to be binding against, or to create any obligations or commitment on the part of, any potential investor, the offering sponsors, or their respective affiliates.

Neither the SEC nor any state securities commission or regulatory authority approved, passed upon or endorsed the merits of any investment on the Site. Each investor should always carefully consider investments in any security and be comfortable with his/her understanding of the investment. Investors should not construe any materials on the Site as tax, legal, financial or investment advice.

All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. Use of these names, logos, and brands is for identification purposes only, and does not imply endorsement or affiliation.

2. Testing the Waters

FNX may, from time to time, engage in “testing the waters” under Regulation CF of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, for the offerings currently filed with (but not yet qualified by) the SEC. This process allows companies to determine whether there may be interest in an eventual offering of their securities. FNX is not under any obligation to make an offering under Regulation CF. We may choose to make an offering to some, but not all, of the people, who indicate an interest in investing, and that offering might not be made under Regulation A or Regulation D. If we go ahead with an offering, we will only be able to make sales after we have filed an offering statement with the SEC and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. The information in the offering statement will be more complete than any information provided on our website, and could differ in important ways. You must consider fully the information provided in the offering statement filed with (and qualified by) the SEC prior to making any investment decision. No money or other consideration is being solicited at this time for any pre-qualified offering, and if sent in response, will not be accepted.

No offer to buy the securities for a pre-qualified offering can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received by the issuer or anyone else until the offering statement filed by the FNX issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC. Any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance is given after the date of qualification. An indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind by either party.

3. Influencer Endorsements & Testimonials Compensation Disclosures

FNX routinely engages social media influencers, spokespersons, celebrities and other persons or entities with followers, members or an audience (collectively referred to here as “Influencers”) to endorse or provide testimonials about FNX and discuss affordable housing real estate investing, the affordable housing real estate market, affordable housing real estate projects as an alternative asset class, and or general information about FNX and its affordable housing real estate investing platform. Influencers generally do not describe specific securities, issuer entities or pending or planned offerings. All Influencers enter into written contracts with FNX obligating them to make certain disclosures, including the fact that content is sponsored or paid for by FNX. Unless separately disclosed in any testimonial or endorsement content, to our knowledge, none of the Influencers are clients of FNX, own securities in FNX, or own securities in any FNX sponsored investment entity referenced in such content, or otherwise have any conflicts of interest stemming from their relationship with FNX, other than receipt of cash compensation. FNX does not pay Influencers non-cash compensation. The cash compensation paid to Influencers varies depending on the size of the audience, media type, number of content pieces sponsored and popularity and reach of the Influencer. Influencers are compensated by FNX through the following types of arrangements:

  • fixed fee per video, podcast or other other media content,

  • variable fee based on the actual audience size,

  • variable fee based on the number of people who sign up as users of our website (i.e. provide us with their name and email address) as a result of such content, or

  • hybrid arrangements that incorporate more than one of the above fee structures.

Variable compensation arrangements often include minimum and/or maximum fee terms. The receipt of this compensation creates a conflict of interest because the Influencers have a financial incentive to promote FNX. FNX does not pay any Influencer compensation that is directly or indirectly tied to any investment in securities.

Investors are strongly advised to do their own research regarding FNX offerings and are cautioned not to place undue reliance on endorsements or testimonials from Influencers.

4. Regulation CF Offerings & Offering Circulars

Any offering appearing on the Site that is made under Regulation CF of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, will be made only by means of an offering circular, which forms an integral part of an offering statement, that has been qualified by the SEC. Any offering that is available for investment means the SEC has qualified the offering statement for such offering, which only means that the issuer of those shares may make sales of the securities described by the offering statement. It does not mean that the SEC has approved, passed upon the merits of, or passed upon the accuracy or completeness of the information in the offering statement.

Offerings appearing on the Site may be in one of three stages:

  • Stage 1: The offering circular is in the process of being prepared, but not yet on file with the SEC.

  • Stage 2: The preliminary offering circular has been filed with the SEC, but has not yet been qualified by the SEC. Note, it is not unusual for a preliminary offering circular to be filed several times prior to completion of the SEC review process.

  • Stage 3: SEC review is complete, the offering circular is qualified and subscriptions and investment funds can be accepted.

In addition, it is possible that after an offering is commenced, we need to update the offering circular to add or update material information, in which case we may be required to suspend accepting subscriptions until such revised offering circular has been reviewed by the SEC.

It is important to understand that the SEC does not pass upon the merits of or give its approval to any securities offered or the terms of any offering, nor does it pass upon the accuracy or completeness of any offering circular or other solicitation materials.

If you are interested in investing in an offering, you should carefully review the offering circular and other materials filed with the SEC before making an investment decision. It is important to note that information contained in a preliminary offering circular (i.e. Stage 2) may change and such changes could be material, so even if you have reviewed a preliminary offering circular, it is critical to review the most recent offering circular on file with the SEC prior to subscribing for shares and tendering payment.

Although the Regulation CF offering structure is similar in many respects to a registered initial public offering of shares in a traditional public offering, Regulation CF is an exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act and there are important differences between a Regulation CF offering and a traditional “registered” public offering, including, without limitation, the following:

Limited Disclosure. Disclosure rules applicable to issuers under Regulation CF are more limited in scope than those applicable to issuers pursuing a traditional public offering, so there may not be as much information included in the offering circular for an offering referenced on the Site than there would be in a prospectus. In addition, ongoing SEC reporting obligations for Regulation CF issuers are also more limited than requirements for typical companies.

Not Subject to 34’ Act Reporting; Proxy Rules, Insider Reporting. Traditional publicly traded companies are subject to certain ongoing financial and material event reporting requirements, proxy rules relating shareholder votes and reporting of transactions by insiders. These requirements are not applicable to issuers of securities pursuant to Regulation A, provided they comply with certain requirements which FNX intends to comply with.

Less Restrictive Corporate Governance. As a non-listed company conducting an exempt offering pursuant to Regulation CF, FNX issuers are not subject to a number of corporate governance requirements that would apply to companies listed on national securities exchanges, including the requirement to have a board of directors with a majority of “independent” directors, independent committees and internal controls audits. Accordingly, you may not have the same protections afforded to shareholders of companies that are subject to all of the corporate governance requirements of a company listed on a national stock exchange.

Lack of Liquidity. Traditional initial public offering issuers list their shares on a national securities exchange that makes it relatively easy for market participants to trade the securities. The shares offered by FNX will not be listed on a national securities exchange and may be illiquid. Accordingly, investors must be prepared to hold their investment for an indefinite period.

Regulation CF Offering Circulars. Active hyperlinks to offering circulars for Regulation A offerings, other than closed offerings, are set forth below. To the extent an issuer has satisfied a requirement to include financial statements in an offering circular by incorporating such financial statements by reference to another SEC filing, we have also provided active hyperlinks to the SEC filing that contains such financial statements below.


FNX Impact Development, LLC

5. Other Exempt Offerings

FNX may also conduct private placements pursuant to Rule 506(c) of Regulation D of the Securities Act to accredited investors who are willing to make large investments or to non-residents of the United States pursuant to Regulation S. Any offers associated with these exempt offerings will be made pursuant to a private placement memorandum (a “Memorandum”). These offerings may differ from our Regulation CF offerings in that they may involve pooled investment vehicles that offer an investment in a portfolio of affordable housing projects, which may include fractional investment in each project (i.e. the investment entity owns a fractional investment in the affordable housing project) and or the whole affordable housing project (i.e. the investment entity owns the entire affordable housing project).

These exempt offerings pursuant to Regulation D and Regulation S differ from traditional registered offerings in many of the same ways that Regulation CF offerings differ from traditional registered offerings as described herein, plus they differ differ from Regulation CF transactions in a number of key respects, including, without limitation:

Accredited or Non-U.S. Investors Only. Regulation CF offerings are generally open to everyone, subject to maximum investment limits imposed under the Securities Act and investment minimums imposed by FNX. By contrast, SEC rules limit participation in Regulation D offerings to “accredited investors” (as defined in Rule 501 of the Securities Act), so people who are not “accredited investors” cannot participate. Likewise, Regulation S offerings are limited to persons who are non-residents of the United States, so United States residents cannot participate.

Limited Rights and Remedies. In contrast to Regulation CF, there are no specific substantive disclosure requirements pursuant to Regulation D or Regulation S, so the Memorandum for these offerings may be more limited in scope than an Offering Circular for a Regulation CF offering. In addition, whereas investors in a Regulation CF offering may pursue remedies under Section 12 of the Securities Act, which imposes strict liability on an issuer for misstatements and omissions in an offering circular regardless of the issuer’s intent, an investor in a Regulation D offering or Regulation S offering must pursue remedies pursuant to Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder which requires a showing of deliberate and intentional fraudulent conduct on the part of the issuer or offering participant - a much higher burden for an aggrieved investor.

No SEC Reporting. Issuers in Regulation D offerings and Regulation S offerings do not have any initial or ongoing SEC reporting obligations (other than the filing of a Form D for Regulation D offerings), so investors in these other exempt offerings may not have access to financial and other important information.

Less Liquidity. Securities issued pursuant to a Regulation CF are illiquid, but they are freely transferable under U.S. Federal securities laws. Securities issued in Regulation D offerings and Regulation S offerings are referred to as “restricted” securities because they cannot be resold or transferred unless the sale or transfer is registered with the SEC or otherwise exempt from registration. Securities acquired in these types of exempt offerings will bear a restrictive legend indicating that such securities cannot be sold or transferred absent registration or an applicable exemption.

6. Investment Advice

None of the information on our Site should be construed as investment advice. The information contained on the Site has been prepared by FNX without reference to any particular user’s investment requirements or financial situation. Potential investors are encouraged to consult with professional tax, legal, and financial advisors before making any investment into an FNX offering.

7. Affordable Housing Real Estate Market Data & Metrics

Unless otherwise stated, all market data and metrics appearing in FNX materials was compiled from public records and other third party sources and does include off-market sales. Importantly, since all market data is sourced from public records, when we use the term “affordable housing”, unless otherwise indicated, we are referring only to real estate that has a liquid secondary market. We believe this data can be helpful in measuring and analyzing historical trends. We present these metrics on the Site and in SEC materials when we believe the sample size is meaningful for a particular metric, so we may not present all metrics for every FNX offering. These affordable real estate market metrics, including historical appreciation rates, may be presented in graphs, charts, diagrams or as stand-alone statistics and may be presented as a trendline relating to certain segments of the overall market, a particular projedct or a particular geography selected for their similarity to a specific project offered through the Site. Property sales price data and metrics are used for comparative modeling purposes only. Each FNX project is unique and historical price trends of a group of selected project is not a direct proxy for historical price performance of any specific project or any investment referenced on the Site.

Any transaction conducted in a foreign currency has been converted to U.S. dollars at the prevailing exchange rate as of the applicable transaction date, except with respect to “repeat sales”, in which case the conversion of a foreign currency to U.S. dollars occurs at the time of the first sale of the repeat sale pair. We endeavor to include all relevant projects and transactions, but no definitive object-oriented database with all sales is known to FNX, and therefore, despite our best efforts the data may be incomplete or inaccurate and we may exclude sale records.

FNX strongly cautions investors not to place undue reliance on historical data presented and we note the following:




Comparisons to Other Asset Classes

FNX often uses real estate market price data to compare affordable housing appreciation trends to other asset classes, such as stock, bonds, other real estate classes or categories, gold and other assets. While FNX believes these comparisons can be useful to help potential investors discern long term trends in these asset classes, there are significant limitations to the utility of such comparative data, particularly over shorter time periods, and potential investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such data. There are significant differences between affordable housing projects and these other asset classes. For example, many asset categories are far more liquid than real estate. Whereas exchange traded stocks, commodities and precious metals are priced continuously in real time, real estate prices upon which data is available are updated only on limited occasions and subject to current market supply and demand characteristics. As a result, these asset categories may appear to be more volatile than real estate and will react more quickly to events and market forces than real estate prices. Several leading asset categories are commoditized, so demand is concentrated on the asset category as a whole as opposed to real estate, which is fragmented into separate classifications. In addition, most other asset categories have been securitized or otherwise packaged in various types of financial products and instruments such that large pools of capital can efficiently flow in and out of them with relatively low friction in terms of time, effort and cost.

Real Estate Market Data Metrics

Metrics that FNX presents may include some or all of the following:

Selected Comparable Sales Appreciation. Selected comparable sales provide an estimate of the historical appreciation rate of the specific project by looking at a set of similar projects that have been sold in the market. The set of similar projects selected will include features and characteristics that are similar to the subject project, which may include size, location, unit count, elements of construction and other features. The applicable time period for which we calculate Selected Similar Sale Appreciation is from the earliest date that a similar project was sold in the market until the most recent date prior to the qualification of an applicable offering that FNX has published. Although the projects selected for inclusion in the set of similar projects have similar characteristics to the subject project, each individual project is unique in terms of size, location, unit count, elements of construction and other features. We, therefore, cannot make any determination or representation that our estimate of the historical appreciation rate of a project is correct or predictive of future value.

Market-Risk Adjusted Appreciation, or “Sharpe Ratio”. The Market-Risk Adjusted Appreciation, also referred to as the “Sharpe Ratio,” indicates how well the project’s sub-market has performed historically in comparison to the rate of return on a risk-free investment, such as U.S. government treasury bonds or bills, by measuring price appreciation relative to the volatility of that price appreciation over time. A relatively higher Sharpe Ratio reflects higher appreciation relative to volatility and generally signals a better risk adjusted return, and, conversely, a relatively lower Sharpe Ratio generally means there is more volatility relative to price appreciation, although historical volatility is not necessarily a proxy for investment risk. The Sharpe Ratio reflects (x) the average annualized artist market appreciation (depreciation) of all properties that have sold in a sub-market over a defined period of time (referred to as “historical sales”), minus the risk-free rate of return. The risk-free rate of return is measured by the average annual risk-free rate at year end over the applicable time period, divided by (y) the volatility of the returns in a project’s sub-market, as measured by the standard deviation of those returns.

Median Sales Price Appreciation. Median Sales Price Appreciation reflects the median annualized price appreciation rate of all projects in a said sub-market with similar size, location, unit count, elements of construction and other consistent features, that has sold within the past 24 months, known as “recent sales”, which indicates the progression of prices in a particular sub-market over time. Analysis of sub-market sales can be useful because recent sale data reflects price changes for a similar constructed project, which reduces the selection bias inherent in looking at a select set of similar projects.

8. FNX Performance Metrics

When FNX presents the internal rate of return (“IRR”) of an investment in an affordable housing real estate project, IRR refers to the annualized internal rate of return net of all fees and expenses, calculated from the offering closing date to the date the sale is consummated. IRR may not be indicative of an FNX project not yet sold and past performance is not indicative of future results. For additional information regarding the calculation of IRR for a particular investment in an affordable housing real estate project that has been sold, a reconciliation will be filed as an exhibit to Form 1-U and will be available on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov.

9. Risk of Investing

Investing involves a number of significant risks and uncertainties. Please also review the "Risk Factors" section of our latest SEC filings prior to investing. In addition, you should consult your own counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, business, financial, and related aspects of an investment in FNX. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and past historical appreciation rates of affordable housing real estate may not be indicative of future appreciation rates. An investor can lose money. Diversification and asset allocation do not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss. Investment decisions should be based on an individual’s own goals, time horizon, and tolerance for risk.

Set forth below is a summary of certain risks that should be considered, but this summary is not a substitute for the more extensive and specific language included in the offering circular or Memorandum for any particular FNX issue.

FNX Issues are totally reliant on FNX Operational Expertise. FNX pre-development projects do not expect to generate revenue, so issuers are totally reliant on FNX to administer their operations and cover ongoing operating expenses. Investors will only recognize a return on their investment if the project is sold and distributions are made.

Each Issuer is Undiversified. Investing in any given FNX issuer is risky since 100% of such investment is concentrated in a single asset class and investment objective.

Your Ability to Sell Your Interest is Uncertain. There is no active public market for any FNX issue and an active trading market may not ever develop or, even if developed, may not be available to all holders, may not be sustained or may cease to exist. 

Real Estate may be Sold at a Loss. A project can decline in value and investors in FNX may lose all or a significant portion of their investment. Even if the property appreciates in value, the rate of appreciation may be insufficient to cover costs and expenses.

Illiquidity. FNX issues intend to hold real estate for many years and the creation of a trading market for the shares that will generate sufficient volume to facilitate price discovery is uncertain. Real estate is a highly illiquid asset and we cannot guarantee that there will be a buyer at any reasonable price or within any given time frame. Investors should be prepared to hold their investment for an indefinite period of time, as there can be no assurance that the project can be sold.

Costs Will Diminish Returns. Fixed expense allocations, administrative services fees paid to FNX and FNX profit sharing, along with third party costs to sell the project, if any, will reduce overall returns on invested capital.

Investing in Real Estate is subject to Numerous Risks. These risks include, without limitation, interest rates, market supply & demand risks, economic risks and fraud.

Claims. Buying and selling real estate can involve potential claims regarding title and government policy. Costs associated with litigation and or settlement are the responsibility of each FNX issue.

Insurance Coverage May be Insufficient. Insurance coverage may expressly exclude damage caused by war, certain title claims, losses caused by chemical or biological contamination and certain other potential loss scenarios. In addition, coverage limits may be below fair value.

Liquidation Timing is Uncertain. There can be no assurance as to the timing of a liquidating distribution or that a FNX issuer will pay a liquidating distribution at all.

10. Forward-Looking Statements

The www.fnxdevelopment.com website contains certain forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by use of forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “potential,” “intend,” “expect,” “outlook,” “seek,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “approximately,” “believe,” “could,” “project,” “predict,” or other similar words or expressions. Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions, discuss future expectations, describe future plans and strategies, or state other forward-looking information. Our ability to predict future events, actions, plans or strategies is inherently uncertain and actual outcomes could differ materially from those set forth or anticipated in our forward-looking statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any of these forward-looking statements.

11. Miscellaneous

Use of Fictional Examples for Illustrative Purposes Only

The Site may contain fictional charts, diagrams, drawings and illustrations to provide a visual representation of an idea, concept or process. These fictional illustrations can be easily identified as such as they will typically indicate that they are presented for illustrative purposes only and, in contrast to actual charts, diagrams, graphs and non-fictional data, will not include a reference to any specific source of data. Any numbers, percentages or statements set forth in connection with fictional illustrations are also provided solely for illustrative purposes only and or as an example of one possible outcome. Fictional illustrations and data provided in or alongside fictional illustrations should not be relied upon or given any meaning.


FNX issues are limited liability companies that elect to be taxed as partnerships. Each person that holds FNX issue shares will be issued a Form K-1 following the end of each tax year. We do not anticipate that any FNX issue will generate taxable income during any tax year, other than the tax year in which the project is sold and only if the project is sold at a profit. The tax consequences to you as an investor will vary depending upon your specific circumstances. You are advised to consult with your tax advisor prior to making an investment.

Notice to Foreign Investors

The offering materials prepared by FNX are directed solely to persons located within the United States. If the recipient of the materials lives outside the United States, it is their responsibility to fully observe the laws of any relevant territory or jurisdiction outside the United States in connection with any investment made or purchase of membership interests if such membership interests are offered, including obtaining required governmental or other consents or observing any other required legal or other formalities. Unless otherwise indicated in SEC offering materials, FNX has not not qualified the offering of the shares in any jurisdiction outside the United States.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this policy, the practices of this Platform, or your dealings with this Platform, please contact us here.

You may also contact us by phone at or by mail at: 

FNX Development, LLC
23679 Calabasas Road, Suite 337
Calabasas, CA  91302
